quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2019
quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2018
Os chakras são os centros
captadores, armazenadores e distribuidores de energia vital do nosso corpo.
Existem milhares de centros de força distribuídos pelo corpo, os quais são
interligados por canais energéticos chamados nadis. Em sânscrito, nadi
significa tubo ou vaso. Os nadis formam uma imensa malha energética que levam a
energia vital para todos os pontos do corpo. Os nadis desempenham uma função
importantíssima, pois sem distribuição de energia vital no nosso corpo, não
teríamos energia para desempenhar nenhuma das funções vitais que sustentam o
nosso organismo. No sistema energético do homem, os chakras agem como estações recetoras,
transformadoras e distribuidoras de energia vital. Absorvem energias vitais do
meio ambiente, do Cosmos e das fontes básicas de toda e qualquer manifestação
de vida e transformam-nas em frequências necessárias aos mais variados setores
de todos os corpos do ser humano, para a sua manutenção e desenvolvimento. Essa
transferência de energia é feita através dos nadis, sendo que também existe o
movimento contrário, ou seja, os chakras também irradiam energia para o meio
ambiente. Apesar do grande número de chakras existentes, os principais são sete
e encontram-se dispostos ao longo da coluna vertebral e na cabeça. Estes chakras
assemelham-se a pequenos discos de quatro ou cinco dedos de largura, cada um
possui um brilho próprio, e giram vertiginosamente em sentido horário. Cada um
deles possui uma cor própria e um bija mantra, isto é, um som semente, ao qual
responde quando é devidamente estimulado. São representados como se fossem
flores abertas com um número definido de pétalas. Sobre elas aparecem inscritos
fenómenos do alfabeto sânscrito, os bijas menores, que representam as manifestações
sonoras do tipo de energia de cada chakra.
Os chakras podem sofrer lesões,
como fissuras e obstrução. Podem ficar “desalinhados” e desequilibrar
totalmente uma pessoa. A energia Reiki alinha e restaura o equilíbrio dos chakras,
harmonizando-os para que possamos receber energia da natureza, através do ar,
da água, da terra e das pessoas.
Chakra – Chakra da Coroa ou Coronal
O Chakra da Coroa localiza-se no
alto da cabeça, logo atrás do ponto mais alto do crânio. Está fisicamente
associado à glândula pineal e é o ponto de ligação das pessoas com os Guias
Espirituais e é por onde entra a energia proveniente da Fonte. Apresenta uma
cor branca violácea.
Chakra – Chakra do Terceiro Olho ou Frontal
O Chakra do Terceiro Olho está
localizado na testa, acima dos olhos físicos. Fisicamente está associado à
glândula pituitária, é o Chakra do conhecimento psíquico, da intuição e
coordena os sentidos, permitindo a atuação destes. Em frequências consideradas
anormais permite a perceção extrassensorial. A sua cor é de um azul intenso,
azul índigo.
Chakra – Chakra da Garganta
O Chakra da Garganta está
localizado na base do pescoço. Está fisicamente ligado às glândulas tiroide e paratiroide
e é o centro da comunicação. Oradores, cantores, políticos, poetas, etc…, têm
geralmente este centro energético bastante desenvolvido. A sua cor é de um azul
claro límpido.
Chakra – Chakra do Coração ou Cardíaco
O Chakra do Coração localiza-se na
zona central do esterno. Fisicamente ligado à glândula do timo e ao coração, é
o ponto de equilíbrio (ou desequilíbrio) energético e emocional pois é o ponto
de encontro de todos os outros seis chakras. Apresenta-se com uma cor
Chakra – Chakra do Plexo Solar
O Chakra do Plexo Solar situa-se
na zona do estômago. Está fisicamente associado ao baço, fígado, estômago,
vesícula biliar e pâncreas, é o centro do poder pessoal (o da insegurança) e é
o ponto onde se efetuam as trocas energéticas com outras pessoas. A sua cor é
um amarelo intenso.
Chakra – Chakra Sexual ou do Sacro
O Chakra Sexual localiza-se entre
o umbigo e osso púbico. Fisicamente liga-se aos órgãos sexuais, útero, ovários,
próstata, é o centro da energia sexual e de todos os sentimentos com ele
relacionados. A sua cor é o laranja.
Chakra – Chakra da Raiz
O Chakra da Raiz está situado na
base da coluna vertebral, na zona entre os órgãos genitais e o cóccix. Ligado
fisicamente às glândulas suprarrenais, é conhecido no Oriente como o portal da
Vida e da Morte, do nascimento e do renascimento e é o centro da sobrevivência,
da capacidade de usufruir da abundância do planeta.
sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2018
segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014
segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011
Pedaços de Mim!
Há já algum tempo atrás que comecei a juntar todos os pedaços de mim mesma.
Neste momento da minha vida recuperei todos os pedaços partidos ou perdidos neste caminho que é a vida.
Bastou parar para pensar e percorrer todo o caminho para saber onde tinha deixado todos os pedaços de mim. A felicidade está dentro de nós e não nas coisas que possuímos ou nos outros. Todos os pedaços tinham sido perdidos porque eu me esqueci que para nos mantermos “intactos" é preciso valorizarmo-nos mais. A felicidade é a chave para o sucesso e como tal eu tinha de me recuperar totalmente para poder brilhar outra vez. Parei de correr atrás de miragens e ilusões que apenas me faziam sofrer e resolvi ser apenas “Eu” e lutar pelos meus sonhos… que são mais que muitos. Agora quero apreciar a vida na sua plenitude. Viver como uma criança e ser apenas Feliz. Feliz porque simplesmente existo e sou Eu!
Neste momento da minha vida recuperei todos os pedaços partidos ou perdidos neste caminho que é a vida.
Bastou parar para pensar e percorrer todo o caminho para saber onde tinha deixado todos os pedaços de mim. A felicidade está dentro de nós e não nas coisas que possuímos ou nos outros. Todos os pedaços tinham sido perdidos porque eu me esqueci que para nos mantermos “intactos" é preciso valorizarmo-nos mais. A felicidade é a chave para o sucesso e como tal eu tinha de me recuperar totalmente para poder brilhar outra vez. Parei de correr atrás de miragens e ilusões que apenas me faziam sofrer e resolvi ser apenas “Eu” e lutar pelos meus sonhos… que são mais que muitos. Agora quero apreciar a vida na sua plenitude. Viver como uma criança e ser apenas Feliz. Feliz porque simplesmente existo e sou Eu!
sábado, 9 de julho de 2011
domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011
domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011
My secret ambition!
Have you ever dreamt about being famous?
Travelling to Los Angeles has always been something I’ve wanted very badly in my life, but my secret ambition has always been to know Ellen De Generes, to be on her show, to sit on her red sofa and be given an interview. I’ve always wanted to do many different things in my life, besides travelling and being famous. I’ve always wanted to be a Librarian and a Reiki practitioner. I have always written my thoughts down, my feelings and hopes. Recently I have discovered that I love writing stories. I could say now, writing has always been my secret ambition, too, so secret that I myself didn’t even know about it. Thinking about becoming a professional novel writer, my recently discovered lifelong passion, and turning it into my livelihood, now makes me believe that the likelihood of achieving fame and be on Ellen’s show is an ambition that’s not impossible to fulfil. I believe that I could become rich and famous by writing. I don’t want to be put off by dull statistics that say that it’s very difficult to publish a novel. I believe that dreams could come true and I love to daydream. The day I stop daydreaming is going to be the day of my death.
Of course, I know that to be a successful author I need to write every day, I need to devote the necessary time and effort to compose a story. I need to do a lot of thorough research, if I want to succeed as a fantastic novel writer.
To be a good writer, you need, of course, to like reading and to have a lot of imagination. I have many bookshelves in my room, all stacked with books.
I know that it’s difficult, very difficult to publish a story, but I also know that it is not impossible. If I don’t believe in myself, who will believe?
While I am writing I can dream, that I live in another world, in an uncomplicated world where no bad things exist, where only happiness and love are real. While I’m writing I can be another person, I can wear the character’s skin. Time is passing by and I have to act, if I want to do well in a world, where no second chances are given.
I don’t want to show off but all my friends say that I can write very well, that I write with my heart and soul. They say that I have the necessary skills that I should go on writing. I also know that I’m going to need a stroke of luck to see the story in the hands of millions of people.
I always like a big challenge, I never like to do things the easy way, and therefore I love to write in English. If I want to accomplish my objective of being invited by Ellen on to her show, I’ll need to learn to speak English automatically, easily and instantly.
There’s no day I don’t feel the need to write. I think I am an addicted writer and reader.
Travelling to Los Angeles has always been something I’ve wanted very badly in my life, but my secret ambition has always been to know Ellen De Generes, to be on her show, to sit on her red sofa and be given an interview. I’ve always wanted to do many different things in my life, besides travelling and being famous. I’ve always wanted to be a Librarian and a Reiki practitioner. I have always written my thoughts down, my feelings and hopes. Recently I have discovered that I love writing stories. I could say now, writing has always been my secret ambition, too, so secret that I myself didn’t even know about it. Thinking about becoming a professional novel writer, my recently discovered lifelong passion, and turning it into my livelihood, now makes me believe that the likelihood of achieving fame and be on Ellen’s show is an ambition that’s not impossible to fulfil. I believe that I could become rich and famous by writing. I don’t want to be put off by dull statistics that say that it’s very difficult to publish a novel. I believe that dreams could come true and I love to daydream. The day I stop daydreaming is going to be the day of my death.
Of course, I know that to be a successful author I need to write every day, I need to devote the necessary time and effort to compose a story. I need to do a lot of thorough research, if I want to succeed as a fantastic novel writer.
To be a good writer, you need, of course, to like reading and to have a lot of imagination. I have many bookshelves in my room, all stacked with books.
I know that it’s difficult, very difficult to publish a story, but I also know that it is not impossible. If I don’t believe in myself, who will believe?
While I am writing I can dream, that I live in another world, in an uncomplicated world where no bad things exist, where only happiness and love are real. While I’m writing I can be another person, I can wear the character’s skin. Time is passing by and I have to act, if I want to do well in a world, where no second chances are given.
I don’t want to show off but all my friends say that I can write very well, that I write with my heart and soul. They say that I have the necessary skills that I should go on writing. I also know that I’m going to need a stroke of luck to see the story in the hands of millions of people.
I always like a big challenge, I never like to do things the easy way, and therefore I love to write in English. If I want to accomplish my objective of being invited by Ellen on to her show, I’ll need to learn to speak English automatically, easily and instantly.
There’s no day I don’t feel the need to write. I think I am an addicted writer and reader.
Dreaming (daydreaming),
sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011
Living your life fully
is our "homework" ...
When we look ... night has fallen.
It’s already bedtime.
When we wake up... it’s already weekend.
When we look around
It's already Christmas... the year ended.
When we look... We’ve reached 40!...
Quickly reached 50's.
It's already too late ...
If we were given a second chance ...
We wouldn’t look at the clock.
We would go on without FEAR. We would follow "LOVE".
We would scream in the wind "I love you"...
And all our feelings!
But life doesn’t give second chances...
It doesn’t give us one more day.
We’ve to wait for a new life...
We have to catch the next train (of life)
And then we must not forget to live it fully!
Do not neglect doing something for lack of time! ...
Do not stop loving because you're afraid to be happy...
Especially do not fear of not being loved in return.
Because only those who Love... live life fully!
Therefore Live, Love, Play every day ...
Follow your life’s road...
Do not expect the next train.
LIVE… and be
is our "homework" ...
When we look ... night has fallen.
It’s already bedtime.
When we wake up... it’s already weekend.
When we look around
It's already Christmas... the year ended.
When we look... We’ve reached 40!...
Quickly reached 50's.
It's already too late ...
If we were given a second chance ...
We wouldn’t look at the clock.
We would go on without FEAR. We would follow "LOVE".
We would scream in the wind "I love you"...
And all our feelings!
But life doesn’t give second chances...
It doesn’t give us one more day.
We’ve to wait for a new life...
We have to catch the next train (of life)
And then we must not forget to live it fully!
Do not neglect doing something for lack of time! ...
Do not stop loving because you're afraid to be happy...
Especially do not fear of not being loved in return.
Because only those who Love... live life fully!
Therefore Live, Love, Play every day ...
Follow your life’s road...
Do not expect the next train.
LIVE… and be
To Be!
I'm everything and I am nothing...
Nothing belongs to me... everything belongs to the world.
Nothing and no one crosses path randomly.
Everything happens for a reason...
People who stayed in our lives... tune in to our soul...
Those who went away... gave us some life lesson...
We have so much to give and receive.
So much to learn...
With proud people, we learn to be humble.
Gratitude... that's what we learn from loving and caring people.
Forgiveness... a hard word to be pronounced...
That's what we learn with people who have a hard heart.
Love ... a sweet and beautiful word... A word we learn with all the people who pass through our lives.
Nostalgia ... a feeling with which I can’t deal yet.
We went through good and bad life experiences...
With the bad ones, we grow as people; we raise our “Self”.
We simply have to think that everything happens for a reason.
Face everything with a smile and never lower our guard.
If we hurt someone... We should at least apologize...
If someone hurts us... we should try to discover the reasons...
We should think that we only feel hurt because someone didn't match our expectations...
Therefore we have no reason to feel hurt...
We should respond with love and affection...
To be... it's not only to have a body...
It is to have a soul...
It is to love, give affection...
It's living every day like it will be the last one.
Nothing belongs to me... everything belongs to the world.
Nothing and no one crosses path randomly.
Everything happens for a reason...
People who stayed in our lives... tune in to our soul...
Those who went away... gave us some life lesson...
We have so much to give and receive.
So much to learn...
With proud people, we learn to be humble.
Gratitude... that's what we learn from loving and caring people.
Forgiveness... a hard word to be pronounced...
That's what we learn with people who have a hard heart.
Love ... a sweet and beautiful word... A word we learn with all the people who pass through our lives.
Nostalgia ... a feeling with which I can’t deal yet.
We went through good and bad life experiences...
With the bad ones, we grow as people; we raise our “Self”.
We simply have to think that everything happens for a reason.
Face everything with a smile and never lower our guard.
If we hurt someone... We should at least apologize...
If someone hurts us... we should try to discover the reasons...
We should think that we only feel hurt because someone didn't match our expectations...
Therefore we have no reason to feel hurt...
We should respond with love and affection...
To be... it's not only to have a body...
It is to have a soul...
It is to love, give affection...
It's living every day like it will be the last one.
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